Click here, for information on our response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cliquez ici, pour obtenir des renseignements sur notre réponse à la pandémie de COVID-19.
In light of Covid-19, the Officetrax team is closely monitoring all developments. Protecting the health and well-being of our employees and ensuring continuous service delivery for our customers remains our highest priorities. In response, we have implemented our business continuity plan of remote working for employees.
In these unprecedented times, we will continue to use the communication and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) as our primary guidelines. We are also monitoring the directives of federal, provincial and municipal health authorities and will return to our office-based operations when it is deemed appropriate.
Please be safe and stay healthy.
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En réponse à Covid-19, l’équipe de l’Officetrax suit de près tous les développements à mesure qu’ils sont diffusés. La protection de la santé et du bien-être de nos employés, ainsi que le maintien de la prestation des services à nos clients demeurent nos plus grandes priorités. Par conséquent, nous avons mis en œuvre notre plan de continuité des activités de travail à distance pour les employés afin de nous assurer que vos services ne sont pas affectés.
En ces temps sans précédent, nous continuerons d’utiliser la communication et les conseils des Centres de contrôle et de prévention des maladies (CDC) et de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) comme lignes directrices principales. Nous surveillons également les directives des autorités sanitaires fédérales, provinciales et municipales et nous reprendrons nos activités de bureau lorsque cela sera jugé approprié.
Soyez en sécurité et en bonne santé.
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Canadian Tire Petroleum
Canadian Tire Pretroleum operates 300 Gas+ branded service stations across Canada.
1. Challenges
Canadian Tire Petroleum had a decentralized maintenance program where operators contracted and/or completed their own maintenance. Operators could request
replacement of an asset where often there was no record of that asset's previous replacement. Without this knowledge, Canadian Tire Petroleum would run the
risk of replacing assets that might only be a few years old. Their main challenges were:
- Lack of detailed fixed asset lists which made it hard to track age and life cycle
- Limited real-time control of maintenance spending made it difficult to ensure funds were being spent on the right things
2. The Journey
Canadian Tire Petroleum looked at various solutions and processes including developing their own asset database.
We didn't have a reliable record of what we had out there in terms of many of our asset categories. For example, which sites had which brand of HVAC
and when it was installed. We had a fair idea of the major equipment but we lacked a centralized data warehouse with that information.
3. Goals
Ensure maintenance and repairs were being completed consistently but also being done reliably and to the same high standard
across the network
- Gain a better picture of inventory and assets
4. The Solution
Canadian Tire Petroleum decided to use Officetrax's cloud-based SaaS maintenance application. Having worked with Officetrax before at pilot locations successfully,
they rolled it out nationally to all of their gas stations. Their biggest challenge implementing was building their data. "There's so much information that needs to go in but the nice thing
about Officetrax is that once we got the baseline work done we were able to build as we went," says MacDonald.
5. Results
- Now have the ability to identify key cost-saving areas
- Are able to identify and improve on any weaknesses in their workflow
- Reporting allows them to identify parts or equipment that are problematic so that they can be addressed with manufacturers
- Customizability allows Officetrax to adapt to meet Canadian Tire Petroleum's needs